As the RRSP contribution deadline of February 29, 2024, draws near, it's essential to ensure you're prepared to make the most of this valuable opportunity. To assist you in maximizing your RRSP contributions effectively, please find below a detailed overview and action steps:

Why Consider RRSPs

Tax Efficiency: RRSPs offer a tax-efficient investment vehicle, particularly beneficial after taxable events like property sales or investment gains.

Maximize Tax Refunds: Strategically allocating funds into RRSPs can enhance tax refunds, boosting your net worth.

Income Tax Optimization: Utilize RRSPs to minimize tax payments and prioritize personal savings, aligning with your long-term financial objectives.

Action Required if you contribute or not

I urge you to initiate your RRSP calculations promptly to maximize contributions effectively. Proactive planning now can yield significant benefits for your financial future.

Please provide the following information to

  • Amount you intend to contribute to your RRSP (even if the amount is nil, we then know you are taken care of)
  • Bank account details for funds withdrawal (Institution and last 4 digits of account number)
  • Confirmation of when funds are available (now, in 2 days, or on a specific date)
  • Confirm your RRSP contribution room to ensure you are able to contribute the desired amount
  • Should you wish to review options and obtain a recommendation, please email by February 14
  • All information will be forwarded to the Investment Team at Precedence Capital and Harbourfront Wealth Management for processing

Thank you for your attention to this matter. Should you have any questions or require further assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out. We're here to provide personalized guidance and support to help you achieve your financial aspirations.

Thank you!

Deanna McLay B.Comm, CFP, CLU

Financial Planner